Sthlm knitters
Last night I went on a blind date with Pia from the vestalong, and we went to check out the Stockholm knitters at Gino's. It was very nice, and fun to recognize projects you've seen on different knitblogs IRL and with its respective knitter.
Less thrilling was the inferior lighting at Gino's, which will soon result in a cerebral haemorrhage due to the fatal errors I made in the dark. I am now trying to tell a YO from another, and since I can't I fear I'm facing at least a two-row rip. Buhuu...
Less thrilling was the inferior lighting at Gino's, which will soon result in a cerebral haemorrhage due to the fatal errors I made in the dark. I am now trying to tell a YO from another, and since I can't I fear I'm facing at least a two-row rip. Buhuu...
And what's worse - the lighting when you were there was actually quite good! I't been a lot worse!
Posted by
katarinaw |
Great seeing you in person! But you looked so familiar. Have we met before? :-o
Posted by
Anonymous |
I don't think we have... and I don't think you've seen me on TV either. ;-) But you never know. Maybe we can bring some clarity into this next Tuesday?
Posted by
Linster |
Ah, next Tuesday I'm busy packing for my move on Friday (31st March). But maybe the week after that? :-)
Posted by
Anonymous |
Colchique question: Reaglan decreases på bak- och framstycke, maskade du av eller stickade du ihop maskor? Jag har läst lite om båda alternativen på KAL-bloggen, men jag vet inte vad som är bäst? Lutar nog mest åt att minska, jag undrar om det inte blir stabilare då?
Posted by
katarinaw |
Jag minskade två maskor från kanten. Efteråt slog det mig att det kanske hade varit finare om man gjort det längst ut så de hade försvunnit när man syr ihop, men det blev bra ändå tycker jag.
Posted by
Linster |
Precis så gjorde och tänkte jag också! He, he, ja nu är det gjort i alla fall... Hade lite problem med att få maskorna att stämma i slutändan, men det blev nog bra ändå.
Posted by
katarinaw |