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Friday, September 01, 2006 

Sick and tired

of being sick.

Started a Shedir for birthday purposes the other day, and made it to the middle of my last repeat before decreasing before my ad lib cabling skills bit me in the lower back region. I've been very pleased to learn how to cable one-stitch wide cables without a cable needle, but apparently my new knowledge didn't last over the night. Now I have to frog two rows of tiny cabled stitches. Guess my fever won't go down today either.

Last night as I was knitting along on the couch, E noticed the pattern in my lap, looked at it and then asked me about the note on the designer: "Jenna examines herself regularly". I replied that the pattern comes from a breast cancer awareness issue, and "examines" refers to looking for bumps in your breasts. I must say he looked a bit disappointed.

Vilket garn stickar du Shedir i? Det rekommenderade Calmer eller något annat? Vi vill se en bild när du mår lite bättre. Krya på dig!

Jag stickar i Lanett, och det funkar fint. Jag gillar Lanett. Tyvärr gjorde jag mössan kortare än i mönstret, eftersom många som gjort den tycker den blev för lång. Den blev för kort istället. Funderar på om jag ska repa upp och göra om eller klippa, sticka på och sy ihop i maskstygn... Pest eller kolera.

Krya pa dig!!!!!

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