We had a major power failure Saturday morning, which apparently did something really bad to the local switch because we've been offline until tonight. I'm not sure for how long we would have been offline if the cable in the apartment, disconnected in my early Saturday experiments with the router and then hastily forgotten, had been discovered and reconnected earlier, but I think the difference would have been neglectable.
I'm happy to be back and can report that my current project is the pretty Lelah top from Knitting for boozehags. Pictures and details coming shortly. I have also got the Strikke-book, and I must say it's astonishing and hence intimidating. Very advanced stuff. After an hour or two of reading/browsing, I put it in the bookshelf and will not look again until I'm past the intermediate level (or retired).
I'm happy to be back and can report that my current project is the pretty Lelah top from Knitting for boozehags. Pictures and details coming shortly. I have also got the Strikke-book, and I must say it's astonishing and hence intimidating. Very advanced stuff. After an hour or two of reading/browsing, I put it in the bookshelf and will not look again until I'm past the intermediate level (or retired).