Argyle it is!
Yes, on the needles within a few minutes is the Eunny Jang Deep V Argyle Vest. I just made a swatch, not the biggest one ever but hopefully big enough, and I seem to be right on gauge. I had some scraps of Alpaca lying around, so I used it instead of my brand new prrrretty skeins of what I like to call "baby pink" and "blueberries in milk". Above, my well-steamed swatch on top of my yarn. Obviously the colours are quite different than in the pic. Obviously.
I am however extremely pleased with the fact that I managed to get my six skeins for free, trading them for four of the ten skeins of Cotton Viscose I've been offering my ungrateful blog readers on my yarn sale below. Thank you, Yll&Tyll!
Also, the lost picture of my shawl made it through cyberspace and eventually hit my inbox. I have a few more rows to go on the left side, and then it's fringeing time. Interesting thing is that after finishing the first edge (seen on left) I realized that it's the same leaf pattern as in the wristwarmers I made some time ago, and I finally understood why it didn't work so well with the wristwarmers; the yarn over's in the leaves make it wider, and a wristwarmer with extra width around the wrist won't ever make my day. I don't know if it would work if you made decreases around the leaf. I'll never know, cause I'll never knit it again.
I am however extremely pleased with the fact that I managed to get my six skeins for free, trading them for four of the ten skeins of Cotton Viscose I've been offering my ungrateful blog readers on my yarn sale below. Thank you, Yll&Tyll!
Also, the lost picture of my shawl made it through cyberspace and eventually hit my inbox. I have a few more rows to go on the left side, and then it's fringeing time. Interesting thing is that after finishing the first edge (seen on left) I realized that it's the same leaf pattern as in the wristwarmers I made some time ago, and I finally understood why it didn't work so well with the wristwarmers; the yarn over's in the leaves make it wider, and a wristwarmer with extra width around the wrist won't ever make my day. I don't know if it would work if you made decreases around the leaf. I'll never know, cause I'll never knit it again.